Meet Team Pop

Yee is an artist who works across a range of mediums though mainly in drawing, sculpture and ceramics. She loves spending time in galleries, nature, with her children and dog. Starting Pop Art has been one of her biggest achievements and passions, and she says that she has learnt so much about being an artist and a better human being through teaching art to children.

Petra has a Masters in Teaching and loves all things creative. She draws on her background in progressive education to compliment her lesson plans at Pop Art. She is inspired by her family, pets, travel, yoga and daily swims. As if she's not already busy enough, she's also often volunteering at her children's school as well as at the local food co-op.

Lesley is an experienced teacher's aide with a former career in publishing. She has spent many years working with children and has countless tricks for how to keep them entertained and happy! When she's not busy getting hands on at Pop Art or at a school somewhere, she's most likely swimming, riding her bike or minding an animal friend or two.